Owner's representative Advisory Services

APIS project advisors exclusively serving as trusted owner’s representatives.

relevant experience

No two deals are the same, and facts and circumstances differ in each deal. APIS’s senior leadership works with ownership to grow the team with trusted advisors/consultants only after developing the proper scope and pricing of the needed services.

deep network

APIS’ substantial network and strategic relationships in the real estate industry give our clients access to the full spectrum of legal advisors, consultants, construction managers, architects, contractors, environmental, financing sources, etc. Therefore, we are not proponents of bringing in a large staff with tremendous overhead. Instead, we pride ourselves on having excellent working relationships with many of these companies in the real estate industry, large and small, and will tap into these resources as needed.

strategic seasoned principals

Collectively over 50 years of experience between the principals overseeing over a billion dollars in development. APIS is lean and does not maintain services in-house to avoid inherent conflicts associated with wearing multiple hats between company departments, even when it may not be in the client’s best interest.

let's connect.